Sunday, November 27, 2011

A woman's support

The best support that I have is my husband. He always knows how to make me feel better. Since I don't like to stress him out all the time with baby talk, I have turned to the message boards on the bump.

There are some wonderful ladies on these boards. They will support you, answer your questions, and share their experiences. On the other hand, you have the ladies who are on these boards for attention. Some of these ladies are only on there to start drama. I often wonder how in the world these ladies have time for this. They make up fake accounts and start drama. Some of them are down right mean. I recently had a person with a fake account look at my chart and tell me that I would get pregnant if I had sex more. There is a spot on your online chart where you can mark the days that you do have sex but I do not mark that on there. Not a single person's business if you ask me. All I could think was how rude of this woman. She tried to call me out on the board but I just ignored her and did not give into her drama.

This blog I think is going to be the place I turn for support. It will allow me to post feelings without having to be public. I am continuously looking for other places for support. Right now this is it.

Also, sharing my love and feelings with the best husband a girl could ask for!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

January- November 2011. Who would have thought...

It would take this long to complete our dream. I mean we have a house, we are financially stable, have good jobs, health insurance, a wonderful marriage full of Catholic values, loving families, and want children so badly. Did I mention this is our dream? This is what we want so bad, why does it have to be so hard for us? Fraty never, ever gives up but can't we have something just come easy for us?

Our TTC journey:

Middle of January- stop taking BCP and not preventing pregnancy
March- after nothing has happened yet, we decide to put a little more into it. I start taking my resting body temperature (BBT) every morning and chart it using an online site. Many ladies argue that taking your temperature is stressful and takes too much work. I think this has been the easiest measure that means the most when TTC. No ovulation noticed this month, no + OPK tests.
April- No ovulation noted and no + OPK tests CD 10-20. No cervical fluid to check
May- Katy gets a kidney stone and for the first month since TTC, + OPK and temperature indicating ovulation despite possible fever due to kidney stone/ infection. During my FW (fertile week), I was out for the count in terrible pain and very sick. Ovulation confirmed for CD 19
June- No + OPK but temperature shift confirms ovulation on CD 31
July- No + OPK and no temperature shift to confirm ovulation. This cycle started on July 25 and went until Oct. 9. Yes that period was awful. I saw my OB GYN on 9/19 and had blood work confirm that we were not pregnant, my thyroid level was fine. My progesterone level was 0.2 (normal is 5-10). Yes 0.2. I was pretty bummed and became very depressed. Thank goodness I have such a wonderful husband and is able to support me. I started on Provera 10mg Q daily x 5 days and thank god my period showed up on Oct. 9.
November- I ovulated CD 28. No positive OPK and I have never been able to check cervical fluid because there is none there, even internally. We used Preseed this month and were very active during my fertile week. About 10 DPO (days past ovulation) I started to loose my appetite, had food aversions, smells were driving me crazy, and falling asleep about 8pm every night with utter exhaustion. I felt so good about this cycle. I didn't want to test until 16 DPO because seeing negative pregnancy tests over and over just becomes harder and harder each time. I have never been a girl to test early so this did not bother me waiting. I started researching books for grandparents (for DH'S parents) and getting so excited. Then I woke up on Friday November 18 (aka 15 DPO) with my period. I cried a whole lot for the next 3 hours until the alarm went off and time to go to work. I was devastated because I just "felt" for the first time that this was our cycle. Looking at the positive end of this, at least I ovulated. All I could think was when will it be our turn?
November 26, 2011- started Fraty + 1... blog to hope that this is my distraction and giving me a private place to document my feelings and our struggles as a couple who just want a baby in their arms.

The story of Fraty + 1...

Fraty = Frank + Katy

Welcome to our blog and we hope you enjoy reading and sharing in our experience. We were married Oct. 2, 2010 and we started trying to conceive baby Cirillo #1 January 2011. Before we were married, we discussed having a family and we both knew it was our life goal to have a baby (babies) pretty quickly. As we are now 11 months into this process, we never thought it would be so hard. Frank always said that he wanted to have children for as long as he can remember. Me, well I have been playing "mom" since age 10. No kidding, my own mother would tell you this. I am the 2nd oldest of 5 and I was always the child who was excited to do laundry, cook dinner for the family, clean the house, and take care of younger siblings. As I always point out to Frank- I would babysit all the time, everyone wanted me because I was a certified babysitter!!

This blog is managed mostly by the "aty" part of Fraty so some entries may be emotional and please do not take any offense to anything I say. My blog entries are based upon how I am feeling at that time. There will also be happy and positive entries. Unless you experience trouble ttc (trying to conceive), you may not know just how many emotions are involved in this. Each day is a different struggle or emotion.

I will try to update at least once a week on what has been going on of the life of Fraty + 1!