Saturday, November 26, 2011

The story of Fraty + 1...

Fraty = Frank + Katy

Welcome to our blog and we hope you enjoy reading and sharing in our experience. We were married Oct. 2, 2010 and we started trying to conceive baby Cirillo #1 January 2011. Before we were married, we discussed having a family and we both knew it was our life goal to have a baby (babies) pretty quickly. As we are now 11 months into this process, we never thought it would be so hard. Frank always said that he wanted to have children for as long as he can remember. Me, well I have been playing "mom" since age 10. No kidding, my own mother would tell you this. I am the 2nd oldest of 5 and I was always the child who was excited to do laundry, cook dinner for the family, clean the house, and take care of younger siblings. As I always point out to Frank- I would babysit all the time, everyone wanted me because I was a certified babysitter!!

This blog is managed mostly by the "aty" part of Fraty so some entries may be emotional and please do not take any offense to anything I say. My blog entries are based upon how I am feeling at that time. There will also be happy and positive entries. Unless you experience trouble ttc (trying to conceive), you may not know just how many emotions are involved in this. Each day is a different struggle or emotion.

I will try to update at least once a week on what has been going on of the life of Fraty + 1!

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